Saturday, February 7, 2009

Killzone 2 Demo Downloadable in the US


Yes, its true, boys and girls. It is possible to download the Killzone 2 demo here in the states. Through a surprisingly easy and deviant process (and legal for the suits out there), you'll be dropping Helghast in no time. To do this, simply hop online to and create a European account (prefferably a UK account), follow the login process, and your on your way. You do, however have to create a new user on your Playstation 3 console, but that only takes a total of 3 seconds. You might also want to make a new gmail account and tell them that you're in the UK as well. My Playstation 3 is downloading the demo as you are reading this, lets hope it was worth the trouble.

Killzone 2 is slated to release stateside on February 27th, 2009

Thanks to for the heads up!


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