Well, I'm not sure about you guys but I feel a bit let down by this year's E3. I just didn't get too excited about much that was announced. I feel like I already knew everything. The only new game announcements that really caught me off guard were things like Pikmin (*shrugs shoulders*), FFXIII for Xbox 360 (glad to hear that the game is still actually being made, now if it'll only come out within' the next 5 years), GTA Chinatown Wars (who came up with that name?), Resistance Retribution, and KOTOR. Things like Fable, Gears of War 2, Resident Evil 5, Silent Hill Homecoming, Halo Wars, God of War 3, Rock Band 2, Guitar Hero World Tour, Guitar Hero On Tour Decades, and other big titles were already known about and did nothing but tease us about the fact that they are still months away. Nintendo would probably win the award for most disappointing at show. Wii Motion Plus? Oh you mean how the Wii remote should have performed at release? Wii music does seem fun though, but for the most part, other than a few DS announcements... Nintendo didn't have much to show. None of their "major titles" that they are so well known for are coming out (Donkey Kong, Mario, Zelda, Metroid, etc). Both Xbox and Playstation are about to be overhauled in terms of thier startup menu things... (unenthusiastically) yippie... And Sony is hinting at trophies on the PSP huh? How about they worry more about getting trophies on some freakin' PS3 games before they cross platforms with it! There are like 12 games out of hundreds that have trophies right now. I own about 23 PS3 games and the only one with trophies is Warhawk. What happened to the spectacle that used to be E3? That used to be where you heard ridiculous announcements of upcoming games that you haven't heard about yet and would excite you to the point where you could wait a year and tolerate it. Not where, oh, here's a demo that the few people that could attend the show can play of that game we've been telling you about for 2 years.
SPEAKING OF WHICH! I have a bone to pick with Polyphony Digital... WHAT THE F***?!??! I heard nothing of Gran Turismo at E3 other than Gran Turismo TV and that my friends, should have been up and running when you released GT5: P in the first place! Gran Turismo 5 had been in production since 2004 and we still haven't heard a word about it. Thy tease us with Prologue then say, 'oh it's only 1/10000th of what GT5 is going to be'. Well I hope so because you are taking your sweet time making it!
Sorry for that little rant but, as a huge racing game fan, my patience can only last so long. If Forza 3 comes out before Gran Turismo 5 I wouldn't be surprised one bit at this point. But now I'm off topic...