The first of 3 downloadable content packs has been released to our 2008 Game of the Year called Operation: Anchorage. After you download the content, when you start your game (once you're out of vault 101 if it's a new game) you receive an emergency radio transmission from the Brotherhood Outcasts. This will place a quest in your quest menu, and a map marker on your map. When you travel to the marker, you will find an Outcast outpost in a big battle with Super Mutants. After the battle you'll be invited into the outpost because you have a pip-boy. The outcasts tell you that there is a large weapons cache that they have found but they cannot open it until they complete a military simulation. None can use the military sim without a computer like the pip-boy. So they offer you the task and in return you will get your share of loot from the cache. *Note: Even if you killed all of the Outcasts in Fort Independence you WILL be able to do this quest. **Image below courtesy of IGN
Wednesday, January 28, 2009
DLC Review: Fallout 3's Operation: Anchorage (Xbox 360, PC)
Wednesday, January 21, 2009
Review: Resistance 2 (PS3)
Resistance 2 starts off directly where Resistance: Fall of Man left off. You continue the story at Lieutenant Hale where you get airlifted out of Europe. A lot has changed for this game, versus the first Resistance. The first thing that you will notice is the graphics. HUGE improvement (as you would expect since the first was a launch title)! Everything is far more detailed than in the first game (especially the character models). The very next thing that you will notice is that this game is VERY BIG. Everything about this game is huge! The environments are bigger and better, the enemies are bigger and better, and the game itself is bigger and better. And the third thing that you will notice very quickly is that you can only hold two different guns at a time. While that last one may seem like a downer to some, it actually makes the game better (in my opinion) and more realistic (have you ever seen a soldier carrying 8 guns like you can in Resistance 1? Didn't think so).
Mini Review: Resistance: Fall of Man (PS3)
Well, before I can post a review on Resistance 2, I figured I should at least do a small review of the first. Please note that the score at the end of this review is the score that would have been given at this game's release, not what it would be rated now. The reason for this is because games have evolved quite a bit in the past few years and it would receive a lower rating if it were reviewed by today's standards.
Thursday, January 8, 2009
Gaming in 3D?
If you've been following the news on the Consumer Electronics Show (CES) in Las Vegas, you may have heard a lot of 3D talk in the means of gaming. While this idea isn't entirely new (the have been a few games and accessories in the past to attempt this), it is definitely intriguing. First it was Nvidia showing off their new GeForce 3D Vision kit which allows PC gamers to play games in stereoscopic 3D with a set of wireless glasses. has done an extensive article on the new product which can be found here. To add on to the 3D trend, Sony included quite a bit of 3D action in their keynote this morning including some shots of Gran Turismo 5 in 3D. While Sony reps have already said that those images were "for demonstration purposes only" and "are not a product", it still leaves you with the question: Will this be in the future of gaming? Imagine walking through the wastelands in Fallout 3, with that already immersive atmosphere of the game, in 3D. Imagine racing in Forza 3 or Gran Turismo 5 beside Ferraris in 3D to make if truly seem like you are up against those supercars (especially with GT5's ridiculously detailed cockpit view). I dunno about you, but I think that this is one new concept that can be brought to gaming without being either a huge let down or a gimmick. What do you think?
Tuesday, January 6, 2009
Excited for 2009? I know I am!
This year is going to be ridiculous, just as last year was, for video games. As blu ray takes hold, the PS3 sales are bound to increase, the 360 just keeps getting cheaper and Wii is becoming more and more available. Titles to look forward to? Well I thought you'd never ask. Let's start with the ridiculously popular Wii. There isn't much that has been announced that is considered a "big title" for the Wii but there are some. Boom Blox, EA's surprise hit with help from Steven Spielberg, is going to have a sequel out this year. Will it take the game in a new direction or will it be add ons to the hilarious fun that was the original? Only time will tell. There's rumors going around that a new Zelda game is due out this year. Nintendo is by far the best keeper of secrets in the industry, so we probably won't know for sure until about 2 months before it gets released, but I say it couldn't be a better time for it. Based off the time frame in which the last few Zelda games were released, this year a release would be following the trend perfectly and the Wii is overdue for the hardcore gamer's big title. Those titles along with an all new House of the Dead make for, well to be honest, a pretty weak lineup but that is nothing new for the Wii. I'm hoping at least that the Zelda rumor will be true so I can dust off my Wii and get some all night sessions in like when I got Twilight Princess, Metroid Prime 3, and Mario Galaxy. The Playstation 3 has some big titles coming out this year including on of its most anticipated hits, Killzone 2. I hope this doesn't become an over hyped POS like Haze, but it certainly looks good so far. With more and more Little Big Planet DLC coming out, Gran Turismo 5 is supposed to be finally coming out, and a nice list of PSN titles, the PS3 is looking at a good year ahead. The Xbox360 is also going to have a good year which in turn would make 2009 an all around great year for consoles. Exclusive DLC coming to Grand Theft Auto 4 and Fallout 3 on the Xbox 360 gives it a nice boost considering that these two titles consumed the majority of the Game of the Year awards given out for 2008. This coupled with the fact that is has landed itself a piece of former Playstation exclusive titles such as Tekken and Final Fantasy (which both have new titles coming this year: Tekken 6 and Final Fantasy 13) thing are looking up for Xbox. The smash hit racer Forza Motorsport is rumored to be released its third installment towards the fall of '09 and is rumored to be boasting 2 discs of content including over 400 cars and over 100 tracks. The combination of Forza 3 and Gran Turismo 5 being released in the same year will be a huge treat to gear head gamers such as myself. Let's not leave out the third party titles. Resident Evil 5 and Skate 2 are big titles coming out right in the beginning of the year. We know EA is working on a sequel to the Horror hit Dead Space, but whether we will see it this year or next is a mystery. Bioware is releasing a new KOTOR, though that's PC and not console gaming, and has been working on a sequel to Mass Effect for quite some time now. Will we see that this year? I certainly hope so! Bioshock 2, a sequel to Assassin's Creed, Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2, Dead Rising 2, FEAR 2, Portal 2, and Doom 4 are just a few among the massive list of sequels that we are hoping will come in '09. If this doesn't get you excited for the year ahead... nothing will.
Quick Take on the Console War
I could talk forever about video games but there have been some trends that have been going on lately that bug me... First and foremost would have to be this whole fanboyism thing. I hatefanboys... A LOT! They claim that what they like is better than everything else no matter what. Know who else was a fanboy? Adolf Hitler! Think he was right about everything he said? Definitely NOT! He thought that blonde hair and blue eyes = supremacy just like video game fanboys think that the xbox 360 or whatever their choice of fanboyism is, is the best. Well, just like good 'ole Adolf, YOU'RE WRONG! All of the consoles that are out right now have their pros and cons. Your Xbox 360 will probably get the "red ring of death" at least once in its lifetime and you will have to buy another if you are out of the warranty life. Your Playstation 3 will sign you out of thePlaystation Network at least once when you don't want it to, and for no apparent reason at all. And finally, you will see just how laggyonline play can get when you try to play a Wii game online. These do not mean that one console is better than the other. It just means none of them are perfect.
Monday, January 5, 2009
2008 Gamers USA GOTY Awards!
Well folks, they're finally here! The votes have been tallied and here they are. After much deliberation between the four of us, we have all settled on the following:
After hours of playing and many a sleepless night, this new addition to the Fallout franchise quickly became an instant favorite of all of us here at Gamersusa. The revamp to the franchise was Bethesda's difficult but satisfying task. Doing a good job of rebuilding Interplay's baby, Bethesda has definitely proved itself to, pretty much, the entire industry. Fallout 3 literally starts you off at your character's birth and lets you build yourself from the very beginning. The story does not stop there; Fallout 3, in addition to a main storyline, has many arduous and somtimes hilarious tasks. From finding an old lady her violin to dealing with people who think they're supervillains, there's no end to the outrageous side-tasks. Bethesda has taken a brand new approach to the RPG genre, by mixing action/adventure, RPG, and FPS elements. One of the most noteable being the Vault-Tech Assisted Targeting System (V.A.T.S.), a 'slo-mo' way of meticulously defeating various foes, which lets you pick out parts of the body individually in order to cripple them. With a wide variety of weapons, tools, foodstuffs, and plenty of skill books, Fallout 3 lets you play the way you want to play, which is why it made our Game of the Year. So, in closing, if you haven't played it yet, go buy it!