Thursday, January 8, 2009

Gaming in 3D?

If you've been following the news on the Consumer Electronics Show (CES) in Las Vegas, you may have heard a lot of 3D talk in the means of gaming.  While this idea isn't entirely new (the have been a few games and accessories in the past to attempt this), it is definitely intriguing.  First it was Nvidia showing off their new GeForce 3D Vision kit which allows PC gamers to play games in stereoscopic 3D with a set of wireless glasses. has done an extensive article on the new product which can be found here.  To add on to the 3D trend, Sony included quite a bit of 3D action in their keynote this morning including some shots of Gran Turismo 5 in 3D.  While Sony reps have already said that those images were "for demonstration purposes only" and "are not a product", it still leaves you with the question: Will this be in the future of gaming?  Imagine walking through the wastelands in Fallout 3, with that already immersive atmosphere of the game, in 3D.  Imagine racing in Forza 3 or Gran Turismo 5 beside Ferraris in 3D to make if truly seem like you are up against those supercars (especially with GT5's ridiculously detailed cockpit view).  I dunno about you, but I think that this is one new concept that can be brought to gaming without being either a huge let down or a gimmick.  What do you think?


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