Tuesday, January 29, 2008

Rating System

While each of us will rate games differently given our preferences, they will all be rated on a scale of 0-10 Obese Children. Why Obese Children? Well, there has been a lot of talk about how video games are making today's youth lazy and they don't go outside and exercise enough. Frankly, some people think that video games make kids obese. So, going along with that, I figured the better the game, the more obese children there will be; so a perfect score will be 10 Obese Children and 0 means that the game is an absolute failure.


1 comment:

stevie said...

[i have to agree that the kids these days are fatter and much pailer than those from my youngin days. i look forward to see which game(s) out there will be doned a level 10 obesity ranting! for it must be the greatest or convincing enough.]

...see you in another life
