Monday, February 25, 2008

Gears of War (Games for Windows Live)

Gears of War box art

My computer recently over went a complete overhaul (read brand new). So during this time I wanted a game that would showcase what a semi powerhouse I just purchased. I already had Gears of War on Xbox 360, and loved it. So I figured I would give it a try on PC.

On PC there are a few things that make it interesting. Gears of War on PC is part of the Games for Windows Live program. What that is essentially is all the things that people love on Xbox 360, are now on your computer. As a matter of fact, if you already have a Xbox 360 gamertag you are ready to go. Everyone on your friends list will be downloaded automatically. Also it adds achievements. Whayher it's a good or bad thing is up to you. Also it allows seamless integration with Xbox 360 peripherals.


The story is very simple. On a planet that looks similar to earth, but all men love to work out, alot; a strange race of creatures emerge from the underground and attack and destroy most of humanity (They call this emergence day). Well, years go by and humans are still waging war against the "locusts". The story picks off where they are at their last hope, they free you from prison, in exchange for you to help out in the war.

The game is different from most first person shooters, as you do not go running in and try to kill as much as you can. This is a duck and cover shooter. If you go running in on this game, you'll likely end up dead.

The controls are nice and responsive. Sometimes the only one button for "snapping" to walls and cover most of the time gets annoying, but is forgivable. The active reload is a nice little change. It acts as a mini-game, and if you mess up you jam your gun and have to wait longer for the reload. There is a run button and your character does get tired after a while.

The graphics are nothing short of amazing. The textures are fantastic, and the characters are really detailed. The most impressive part is that the levels do not get repetitive. They all generally look vastly different than each other. It gives it a more "real world" feel. There is excellent atmospheric effects as well.

The sound is great with its orchestrated score. It gives it a very epic and war like feel. The sound effects are well done including the very stimulating chainsaw to chest sound. Trust me: when you hear it, it doesn't get old.


The PC version differs slightly from the Xbox 360 version. The PC version contains 5 new chapters during the final level of the game. Its during this part when you are being chased by the brumac. The brumac can be described as a T-rex, piloted by a locust, with a cannon on his back, and guns on his arms. Yes. So that is the huge draw of the PC version, besides the map editor and few extra levels for multi-player.

Gears of War on PC is not for everyone. The few extra add-on's are nice, but not worth the other $50. If you MUST know what Marcus Phoenix is doing more than on 360, go for it. If you have never played Gears of War, want a nice co-op game on your PC this is a great game for you.

I give it 8 out of 10

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