Wednesday, February 6, 2008

Quick Reviews for This Week

Hello again everyone. I just wanted to give you some quick reviews on two of the games on today's release list. I'm going to start with Turok (PS3, 360). Now for those of you that played the original Turok Games (Seeds of Evil, Evolution) this one might be a bit different. First of all it kind of reminds me of Gears of War with some elements of the Halo series mixed in. When you play the single player campaign you have a AI friend to help you fend off hoardes of various dinos and baddies. In addition to that it has a weapon swapping system similar to the Halo franchise; where you carry your trusty bow and knife at all times but have to swap out certain firearms for various ones strewn about the levels. An interesting point about the combat is that if you get knocked down by a dino it will take you a few seconds to get back up again thus creating an opportunity for said dino to attack again; if you're quick enough you will be able to use your knife to repeatedly stab the dino in the neck. Now with all that said; the game looks great. the effects of water and plant life are very realistic and also very shiny, which is weird but: to each his own.

Overall 7/10.

Game number two: Devil May Cry 4. With three other titles in the franchise, Capcom continues to give their fans what they want. The gameplay is great (reminiscent of the God of War series) in which the camera follows you in a third person view and zooms in and out automatically depending on the size of the room you're in. Capcom gives us your primary weapon the "Devil Bringer", Nero's right arm equipped with various powerups and magic at your disposal; such as the grappling option which you can use to fly about certain levels or just bring your enemy right to you. In addition to your "arm", you have a sword called Red Queen which you can charge up to unleash powerful attacks upon various enemies. You also have a shotgun called Blue Rose which can also be charged up for more powerful shots. The game looks amazing, although not as shiny, and continues to give us the Capcom classic we know and love.

Overall 9/10


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